Moving on to the front end, which, as I found out, is a little more difficult and took longer then I first thought. There are many angles that you need to know for proper steering and if you have a fixed axle or not.

The front end was angled in to allow maximum wheels turn and still have a fixed width (plus I liked the look). The metal was cut and welded to form the angles. There were no calculations made, just took the wheel and placed it where I wanted it to go.

These bushing are made like the split-frame bushings. The outside tube was from a weightlifting bar. The inside has rubber corks that were ground down and drilled out and then a metal spacer was pressed inside that. Of course it was welded to the frame before the rubber was installed.

This stub axle was bent, shaped, drilled, and welded by hand from materials that I already had (strip of heavy duty metal that was used to install our Pergo flooring) This is one area you need to do some reasearch for the correct angle needed based on the back axel you have. Most of the designs that I saw had the C shape welded to the frame. I choose this configuration to get the maximum steering angles without it getting stopped by the frame.
good work.... either ways can you tell me what you think are the failure modes of the front stub axle and the steering bearing in your kart. pls mail me back at maybharath@gmail.com
Dude you need to work on your welds. Looks like a monkey went at it with a stick welder
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